In early 1967 at the Stardust International Speedway, Las Vegas NV, two Triumph motorcycle drag racing giants came to win. Neither did, but one went away proud...
"The Perry & Scott, twin was aligned with Loux & Stanley's double Triumph. Perry left first, coughed twice and came in second." Bad luck twins! First time I've seen a name for this bike "Long Gone"
"Competition was very keen and the big run-off's matched Murray & Cook's twin engine Triumph with Harley mounted Leo Payne. Both came out of the hole well, but Payne took the win in e.t. bracket one." Winner of event, Leo's H.D. e.t./speed of 9.98/147. Later: "The crowd came to its feet when Murray & Cook came out on a record run with a sensational 9.63 second e.t. and a top speed of 155.17 MPH."
This pic is from the same Las Vegas event. I talked to a guy a few years ago that was in possession of "Tinker Toy". I'm pretty sure he was out of SoCal. Anyone know him???
1967 Cycle Guide